Sunday, 15 August 2010

Camp Mojache #2

Last area here in Feralas, my thoughts on this zone to follow at the end of this post of course.

Following on we are given the STRAIGHT VANILLA conversions to go kill the silithid in the south, whilst I don't really mind the quest, it just saddens me that this zone is full of straight vanilla conversions, compared to some of the work that has been done in other zones. Regarding the quests though, they are fairly simple and easy, Stinglasher seems to patrol where he is shown on the map, which is rather cool and there are plenty of silithid here, I would perhaps like the number reduced to 15, since that was the amount I killed before having to specifically hunt for them rather than stinglasher, but regardless I think 15 or 20 are fine numbers to kill for this quest.

I'm going to note here that you could get the HILLTOP SUMMIT ogre quest at level 37, but the dryad quest at 38, I would like to see the Dryad quest be opened up at the same time as that ogre quest, for optimum synergy. You are also given the Thousand Needles breadcrumb at level 38, as stated before I don't like this :) and would rather see it at the end of the zone.

Regardless though, killing the Dryads and the Hilltop Ogres are fairly simple, the dryads overall are very buggy though, they continually move around at random whilst fighting you, and their animation for spear throws are very buggy aswell with half of their projectiles missing models/textures and half of them having it.

You are then given 3 quests, to kill ogres and a Sasquatch! and to answer Ysondre's call. I obviously did the ogres first (perhaps a mistake :<) They are fairly easy to kill, they have alot of numbers. The sasquatch had alot of hp and was a little challenging, so that was nice for a named npc you had to kill. Other than that they felt a little... isolated and not much to do with the story.

Then of course you were left with the final Ysondre questline, unfortunately.. the quest was completely bugged for me.. Ysondre was just standing on top of the summit in night-elf form and wasn't interact-able to me. I did run through this quest on another character like.. in an early alpha build and THIS QUEST IS EPIC, with the rp here. However I want to point out how.. completely random this quest is.. sure you did all that stuff at the start of the zone to close the portal to the dream, but this quest is just so random...

This post is obviously short but I wanted to relay how disappointed I was with this zone, overall it has a solid foundation, but it is INUNDATED with vanilla conversions that really just don't have a story to them and are sort of "levelling quests", like with deepholm that I discussed in a previous post I feel like this zone is too much a LEVEL AS FAST AS POSSIBLE zone rather than an IMMERSE YOURSELF IN AWESOME STORY zone. I feel like the story building blocks are there, you have that epic quest with cho'gall in dire maul and a back-drop to help cleanse feralas of the Emerald Dream Nightmare Corruption. However, you never really go in-depth here.

It would be nice for Camp Mojache area to have some a) Interaction and hatrid for the grimtotem for attacking thousand needles, b) Have some Interaction between Ysondre and her quest to attone for her actions, and lastly c) a few generic quests mixed in.

Right now it seems like although camp mojache changed in terms of HEY THERE ARE FREEWIND POST REFUGES HERE, it is still caught in a time-loop where it's biggest threats are from Vanilla and nothing relevent to the cataclysm specifically, which was overall rather disappointing.

I couldn't really tell if the zone was complete or not though.. which is what worries me since this was a zone I really enjoy on live (mainly because the quests are pretty optimised for levelling) and unfortunately no story has really evolved from this zone. I was around half a level short of xp, from the entire zone, but because the last quest of the zone bugged out I am not sure if that was just because I missed that quest..

Hopefully thousand needles will be ready to test in a few builds time so this char won't be idle too long, here's the screenshots of this last part of the zone and the zone itself, I will update this post if I can get the quest to work :<.

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