However you arrive at Maestra's post and are given alot of quests.. pretty exciting :O, since Maestra's post is under attack from 2 fronts. I choose to do the against the horde series of quests first, since 1) It's right in front of you as you enter and 2) the horde are more menacing, you get a pretty nifty new cataclysm-esque quest where you are given a squad of sentinels to help. This seems to be one of those quests you associate with a new expansion, there are a lot of these quests that send you out with a squad of troops or quest givers in some cases and just have them help and kill shit :D. You just have to kill a bunch of hordes, but hey thats pretty fun and having a group of sentinels is awesome. I don't really like though how if you engage a pack of 3 all the sentinels attack the target you pulled and let the other 2 bash on you. It would be nice if they acted more like offtanks and just attacked the mobs you weren't attacking so you don't fall on your face and die :D.
The follow-up is just as cool you have to sneak through the horde and recover some items off fallen paladins who used to be here in the post, I didn't really feel that nostalgic because those guys gave awful quests, but regardless ^^ the quest mechanics are pretty cool. Feero Ironhand was incredibly hard to spot though, he definitely needs some sparkles to attract where he is, he basically just blends into the shrubbery and I was on low graphics settings so I can only imagine this gets worse as you increase in them. It's cool that you have to fight a warlock at the top to get the item. I would maybe appreciate a slow fall on the cloak, because any accidental drop down from the base of the tower at that small cliff gives you fall damage and basically results in your death since you cannot use the cloak in combat.
The follow-ups are also pretty synergetic. They involve you taking the battle to the other front against the furbolg, basically its a kill quest and an activate items quest. They are pretty synergetic and the animations on deactivating the moonstones are pretty nice with them visibly turning off. Good quests really nothing much further to add. The last quests involve you going west and killing tentacles.. oh how I love killing tentacle quests.. always fun :D. Basically the quests involve killing tentacles and the faceless one here. You get the quest in the field aswell from the keeper located here, which is always cool for immersion and a great way to hide the fact somebody is dead in the objective screen. I also really like the quest which involves you using an item in a beam of light, I feel like this is a pretty unique twist to using an item.. by having a massive bright beam to use it in especially in the dark surroundings of the area.
Now heading back you get 2 breadcrumbs to Astranaar, now in a future slideshow I actually come back to Maestra's post and realise there was a third breadcrumb, if you look in the pictures you can see there is a question mark located here and I was obviously blind and missed it. This third breadcrumb gives you free passage to Astranaar. Maybe Maestra's post should also have a flight path but I think that is either way considering you can use the sentinel station to travel to and from Astranaar, I was just too dumb to notice :(.
This area is pretty short but the quests are pretty exciting and engaging and the area went very quickly, which is always a good sign for a quest hub imo. I perhaps feel this zone needs a more climactic end with a fight against a horde leader at Maestra's post, but this isn't entirely necessary and the quest flow works here. This is the last point at which the questing flow is really good though :P.
Next up is Astranaar O:.
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