Sunday, 29 August 2010

Mirkfallon Post & Thal'darah Overlook

Heading back to the main story with the bomb we are told to make haste to Mirkfallon post where the bomb has been spotted, cool story really immersing you in a common theme through the entire zone, whereas in the horde that was advancing through the horde ranks on the alliance side it's about saving lives and stopping the bomb, both of these ideas however give you a great sense of progression throughout a zone and a sense of purpose, which I personally really love.

The actual questing here is also really interesting, we get a standard kill quest and another quest which is like, blow up some oil-pumps, which basically involve killing a controller next to it and then using the item dropped by them. Firstly, the controllers call down an orbital shredder, which is pretty damn cool I might add, but it's marked as an elite which is pretty scary and completely and utterly wrong since they haven't got the health nor damage to be classed as elites so I presume this is a bug. What makes this quest note-worthy though is how using the item basically causes a nuclear holocaust from what I can tell, you use it and about 5 seconds later there is a massive explosion!! I think it even pushes your character away when the wave hits you, that's just so awesome.. really I cannot put into words how good that interaction is.

We were also given a quest to meet minx inside, I really love this "Goblin" Pump controller as a gnome wearing a goblin male mask.. classic :D. Basically you are told to grab this log book, nothing too special about that but.. the mobs on the platform are incredibly annoying mainly because of the Orbital shredders they call down, because these come from above if you pull the goblin controller at the top of the ramp they call down the orbital shredder and it lands on the above platform and basically pulls the entire area. Luckily I have shadowmeld and was able to kill the controller regardless though this needs to be somewhat fixed.

Handing in these quests though we have to rush to Thal'darah Overlook because the bomb is headed for the grove, upon hand-in you are swept immediately onto a hippogryph. Fortunately as an experienced wow player, *cough* by luck *cough* I handed in the other quests before the quest to head to the overlook so wasn't left with quests to hand-in here. Needless to say this needs to be an "activate on talking to" type quest rather than it immediately transitioning you to the next quest hub, although that's good for story purposes it really is annoying if you didn't hand in the other quests here first.

Upon landing it seems like it's a race against time before the bomb hits and you are dispatched franticly on a vehicle pick-up quest, similar to the dragonblight quest for alliance. I feel like the gryphon needs to go faster speed whilst sped up, this quest is good for the first 2-3 fly-outs then it just seems like a total chore, really fun quest though and great for the immersion factor here, which I definitely appreciated. The follow-up quest really surprised me though, and god is it awesome, you go out for one last effort to save druids and you basically are just watching a cut-scene of the bomb falling on the grove, but my god is it epic having a massive explosion in front of you crushing your hope of rescuing druids.

There was a slight bug with these quests where I was "stuck" in a parachute whilst on the hippogryph watching the bomb, I actually didn't notice this until reviewing the screenshots I had made because this scene is epic but obviously this is bug and needs to be fixed ^^. The follow-up to this is to exact revenge on the horde and take a glaive-thrower and reap havoc on the horde in what is a mirror of the horde quest with the catapult, I don't do this quest until after but I will just comment on it now, obviously the "bug" id is still on the glaive thrower as it was on the demolisher. The quest was good other than the fact that the number 2 button seemed totally redundant, why would I use it when I can just spam glaives every second using number 1 button. I also liked how this area neatly transitions you to the final area, but I will cover that after this last bit.

The other quests you can pick up after the somewhat epic cut-scene involve trying to cleanse stonetalon peak, which has seemingly been taken over by old god corruption and, tentacles!!! Oh, how I love you tentacle missions. What is better is the fact that these tentacles grab night elf sentinels and dryads, oh hentai references perhaps :). Regardless the quests here have perfect synergy and are really lovely, I always love tentacles and they really have a great aesthetic with Stonetalon peak. Nothing much is explained as to who the old-god corrupting this place is, but regardless it's nice to see tentacle missions :D.

A pretty epic conclusion to the main storyline of this zone I thought, I mean it's no "you are dismissed", because my god that is seriously awesome, but it does a pretty good job of itself on the alliance side.

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