Friday, 13 August 2010

Desolace Final Quests

This is a short area, simply concluding the zone, but I feel like it needs it's own post since it's in a very much distinct questing area, regardless your uniting of the centaur is important and is resulting in a final clash between the Demons and the Centaur, the great thing about this quest are you are apart of the Centaur army.

You are given a regiment of Centaur to command, when I first tried this they got stuck in the barricades surrounding the Khan, obviously a bug that needs to be fixed.. not exactly sure how. The Centaur is also slightly bugged, using the 2 ability doesn't work, they won't attack the target unless you are in range, kinda like they are on defensive and are pets.. but ye the number 2 ability doesn't work.

However, this quest is really immersive, the healing and controlling of units is fun.. just great, nothing wrong with this quest other than those bugs, which didn't prevent me from enjoying this quest :D.

I feel like I should be able to hand-in this quest on my centaur, since I need it for the follow-up instead of dismounting and then mounting the vehicle again. I also feel like this area needs to be phased with the centaur say taking over this first area so that you don't have to like clear your way through demons you had essentially just killed in the last quest.

However, this quest is awesome aswell,you get to fight the PIT LORD, when engaging the Pit Lord, the 3 Centaur Khan's charge up behind you and proceed to engage him, it's a pretty iconic Pitlord, it has all the warcraft 3 spells, although I would have loved to have seen some summon Infernal action, whilst you seem to be quite a spectator in the battle, you still feel apart of it so it's pretty epic! :D.

Handing in the quest ends the zone..

Before concluding this post with the slideshows just going to comment on my thoughts on the zone: LONG is the major word I would use here, the zone could definitly use some streamlining, not really in terms of cutting out quests though imo, they are all pretty good and necessary (other than a few vanilla quests and well that awful kodo quest). However, I do like the philosophy of this zone, which seems to be alot of mini story epic quest hubs, which I am certainly a big fan of here, with a little bit of polish this zone will be pretty damn awesome so yeh.

Apart from it's length and some lack-of polish though, the zone overall had a great flavour, there were alot of "awesome" quests and a few "epic" quests aswell, the zone utilises the auto-quest feature well and it only failed for me once, which was nice for a change :D.

Obviously the Feralas Breadcrumb isn't in place, and I don't know exactly how the Centaur Khan can give this breadcrumb, I feel like they should direct you back to the cenarion circle who say you need to help them in feralas and aid them there (and get a free travel there). Since the beginning of the zone is quests from the Cenarion Circle, or at least a Tauren Druid. I don't know though so.. :).

Here's a Slideshow of these final quests and of the entire zone (biggest zone yet in terms of screenshots).

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