Friday, 27 August 2010

Forest Song

Again, I've previously stated this should probably be earlier in the zone, I admit that I went here too late realistically, but I only went at the logical time realistically. I'm probably going to be quite skimpy with my details for this area, it is basically a complete mirror of the horde warsong area, but in some areas worse and some areas better.

Firstly you are given quests to collect items in Satyrnaar and find a lost Dryad, I really feel like the Dryad quest should be first and then the other 4 quests should be given at the same time so you don't end up going through Satynaar once to collect 2 sets of items and then head back there to kill Satyr and gather more items.. it's a bit urgh. The dryad quest is the same as on live though, collect branch from named Satyr and head back to camp. The other quests are also the same as vanilla, although the Satyrnaar wood quest has been separated from the Warsong lumber and been made into 2 separate quests. Regardless though all these quests would benefit from doing them at the same time, they have great synergy together and I always love doing loads of quests at the same time.

Heading back we realise the hand-in for the Satyrnaar wood is down south by the Warsong camp. You get given a bunch of quests to do demons and kill Warsong. I probably should have done the Warsong first so I will discuss them first, also their quests are different than the other quests here. Firstly we have to collect Warsong lumber, like we did for the live quest, and we have to kill warsong horde and the leader here. Pretty standard quest. I feel like there needs to be much more lumber in the area where the overlord is, since I was a good 4-5 short, but the amount of horde needed to kill is pretty accurate.

Handing it in we get a cool unique quest which is basically steal a shredder and use it to destroy explosives. I really feel like the shredder blades need to 1 shot the hordes here, they aggro really easily to the shredder and the fire rate/repair is just atrocious. However the quest is pretty fun once you realise that if you aim the shredding blade at the explosives and not catch the horde's leg he won't aggro :D.

Handing this in leaves us with quests for felfire hill. These quests feel much better than the horde equivalent, you have to seal portals whilst killing the named demons at the very least, so that quest doesn't feel so "on its own". Most of the points I made in the horde versions of these quests still stand though.

Afterwards you are told to head to the Dor'danil Barrow Dens. I feel like this needs an auto-travel type thing to get there as its pretty far to run there and back. Regardless though this quest has some really nice touches. Firstly the markers on the ground inside the barrow dens are green and not red as they were for the horde. I think this touch is just lovely really, it's really small and you only really notice it if you play through on both factions, but I think thats such a lovely touch. Again you have to kill like the named druids here and collect some essences to allow the forest heart to be moved. I feel like this needs to be a better drop rate.. I don't know but it felt like it was less than 50% and it is on the cusp of 7/8 where I feel 100% drop rate is in order. The quests here are pretty nice though, I had some undead hunter in the cave with me so I had to go hunting for essences for the quest, but if he wasn't there I feel like the quests would have had near perfect synergy, which is always a good thing.

Heading back to Gnarl at the Warsong camp he cleanses the forest heart but like.. the quest just ends theres no follow up or anything and ye you have to just head back to Astranaar for the Stardust Tower series of quests. I feel like this quest needs some sort of travel back to astranaar breadcrumb and an auto-travel to there.. just to make the quests more immersive and flow much better.

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