Firstly you are sent via breadcrumb to see the edunes near the Shrine, he has some amusing dialogue with the human here about his adventures in azeroth.. I'm personally not sure who they are referencing, they were apparently added in TBC, but nothing has come of them on live.. not sure tbh I guess they are a reference to something but hey I can't really tell :<. Regardless though unfortunately that's all you get to see out of them, I did check later there were no quests to do with them :(. Regardless though you get sent down to find 3 night elves in the forest.
This quest is just utterly brilliant, a sheer stroke of genious. It's a Trap! You hand in the quest to chained night elfs you have been shackled by a demoness and bam she ambushes you, she has a lot of health and is like... huge. She is pretty challenging to take down but not overly so, I just personally love the epicness that is "ITS A TRAP" quests ^^. Always fun, regardless you loot her heart and they have to eat it "eww" and then they become free. They give you a follow-up which is to basically kill demons and then "warn" the ancient at the Shrine of Aessina. Killing these demons is pretty easy (other than the fact the fel puppies mana-burn an already struggling shadow priest :<).
However handing in this quest we realise the ancient is under attack by hordes of demons and you have to kill 30 of them, personally I find this number wayyy too excessive, especially since a shadow priest goes oom after killing like 6 of them :<. I feel like the quest needs to give you some form of aoe or "ancient power" to 1 shot these mobs so they go fast, I do really love this last stand feeling though the quest gives, you and the ancient alone against hordes of demonic invaders.. simply awesome :D.
This though ends this mini-questhub, he phases after the hand-in so all the demons are vanquished and you are a hero of the forest. However, again you are given no breadcrumb back to Astranaar, which is a little disappointing in my opinion.
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