Friday, 13 August 2010

Ghostwalker Post

Right so of course now we logically head to Ghostwalker Post, and pick up the 3 or so quests here, we get the, awesomely sounding, typical quest from the Forsaken here... I NEED SOMETHING FOR MY PLAGUEEEEEE. Oh, it cracks my up how almost all forsaken quest givers are the same ^^. Theres also a quest to cull the demons in the south, and to head on over to a goblin quest giver: who in turn wants you to "Kombobulate" the kodo's.

This quest is a vanilla quest, although reduced in numbers from 5 to 3, the quest is pretty awesome though, showing off the awesome goblin ingenuity of somehow being able to turn these old/aging/dying Kodo's and turn them into fresh young Kodo's, I particularly find the amusing references when handing them in, which I like since it's unique even though a vanilla quest, about how you want to use the kombobulator on yourself. Theres some typos in the hand-ins that are to do with the vanilla to Cataclysm conversion. The quest still refers to you gathering 5 kodo's when obviously you have only gathered 3. I also don't like how slow the Kodo's are, they can't keep up with a 60% speed mount, which they really should be able to do since they are a Tauren mount of choice..

HOWEVER, we then move on to THE QUEST FROM HELLL!!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? The quest from the Forsaken, what is bad about this quest, well it requires a SPECIFIC TYPE OF KODO, there are 3 types in the graveyard, and they are all randomly spawned from locations, we have Ancient, Aged and Dying Kodos. The quest item only drops off the dying Kodo's, and since there are only around like..10-15 Kodo's in the area, this means ON AVERAGE there will be a maximum of 5 dying Kodo's in the area, however since there is absolutely no reason to kill the other 2, the Dying Kodo's slowly dwindle in the area meaning a number of around 2-3 is far more accurate.

THEN, if that wasn't bad enough, the quest item is like a 25% drop rate or something... just ridiculous, I mean this quest needs to be changed to either all the Kodo's dropping the item, or a 100% drop rate on the dying Kodo's. I spent around.. 20 minutes or so farming 3.... horns. Was just URGH. I also did not appreciate the irony of the quest giver hand-in text "BACK SO SOON", although I doubt it was meant to be irony, it was rather distasteful after wasting so much time :<.

Anyway... after this somewhat attrocious quest, you get a pretty cool follow-up to hand in this plague to the Cenarion Circle so they can use it :O, lovely twist to the Cenarion Circle imo. It's a typical bombing run type quest, the plague bombs 1 shot everything, so it's pretty nice and easy. Pressing the FLY BACK BUTTON, is a little.. urgh though. The animations are really not fluid, it was alot of stop-starting whilst seemingly trying to get in lanes to the right path to go back, obviously the pathing needs to be fixed, but the quest itself is fine.

Then the next quest to logically go to was the demon quests, The infernals you have to kill drop periodically from the sky, pretty nice effect. I was kinda disappointed I could never gain enough stacks of the Burning Blade debuff here to transform, because the infernals don't give you a stack but all the other demons do. Would like the Infernals to grant this debuff just because the debuff is awesome :D.

Killing any infernal and looting it gives a quest starting item, and this quest is REALLY NICE, you have to take control of the elite, the quest text is also just really nice, making you out to be some sort of power-hungry warlock :D. After taking control of the elite you use it to defeat the elite warlock here, the fight is pretty close and you feel like skill plays a good part here, even if it doesn't necessarily. I would perhaps like this to be in the vehicle ui and not just replacing your unit bars.

After completing this quest it just auto-completes, which is really nice: it's like your character has self-will, which as commented on in previous posts, is just a great thing to advocate with the auto-quest feature.

The quest has great synergy with the other 2 quests aswell since there are a bunch of infernals and portals in the area, closing the portals requires you killing the demons after clicking on the portals. I don't how like doing this shifts you out of form as a druid, I also feel like the portal number should be reduced to around 4 to match the amount in the area around the elite quest, for just perfect synergy and making the quest go quicker.

Btw, just because level 34 means that mob hp is around 1300-1500 by evolution of health, doesn't mean that every single mob has to have 1337 hp :<.

Whilst I'm down south I thought it best to continue with the other areas, so over to the Gelkis Encampment to complete that quest, there are ALOT of centaur here, a bit too tightly packed for my taste, making multi-pulls quite easy and accidentally so, especially because they ALL run-away T_T. The 3 sons are in pretty obvious places and fairly easy to kill,

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