Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Patrol Quest Hub (Durotar)

Ok, so before we get onto the actual quest feedback and whatever I am going to talk about Druid level 8, first a little pic to explain some stuff :D.

Ok, so you get Cat form at level 8, by the way this is AWESOME, it allows druids to try out both Balance and feral before having to specialise, this is super important imo considering that choosing your specialisation is meant to be a big deal and being able to try out both "flavours" of the class before choosing it, is important.

Secondly though, I'm going to talk about cat form for Trolls, the first time I saw screens for the troll cats I thouught "LOL!" they looked seriously dumb looking in my opinion. Actually seeing them in-game has made me seen that they do fit in, although their models need some work for one major reason

They look pretty much like Night elf Cats with a mane+tusks, I'd kinda like if they modelled them a little differently so they don't look like re-skinned night elfs, I'd also like it if they toned down the colors a little, not too much, but at the moment they seem a bit too ott that could certainly put people off wanting to be feral imo.

On to the actual questing then like firstly, I like the interactions of this quest, like you head up to the quest guy and they are like THE GUY U NEED TO HAND THE QUEST INTO IS UPSTAIRS, I mean that sort of stuff is so useful to people, especially a newer player who might just be looking at the map for a guide and not reading the quest text.

Secondly this quest is awesome, but it does contain a fundamental flaw, I'll come onto this later because you only think of this flaw after doing the subsequent quests, but its cool you use your quest item, the spyglass 4 times and it shows you the 4 next areas you are going to be questing in, you are then sent to go help these people, similar to the zuldrak patrol, you have to complete their 4 quest hubs to complete this over-arching quest, I personally loved that zuldrak quest hub (although I hated the zone due to that shitty abomination quest... grrr).

So yeh you are shown where you need to go for this quest and then are sent out to help the 4 people you saw in the like "cut-scenes".

The first guy you are shown is Raggaran so I obviously went to him first.

He is like RAWR QUILLBOAR ARE ANNOYING ME HATE U KILL ALL MUST DIE etc, so you go out kill some quillboar and he is like ARALWRRLARHALRAR KILL EVEN MOREE!!!!!, so you go and kill more. There is a rare here, as shown in my picture and he is actually REALLY strong, his enrage is like so... powerful I killed him but he killed me at the same time, personally I feel he is a little too powerful for an area you are hitting at level 8, also some of the quillboar here tend to multi-aggro so perhaps spreading them out a bit wouldn't go amiss.

I dinged level 9 here though, and after killing those final set of stuff he is like AHH I FINALLY CALMED DOWN and tells you to leave before he turns back into the hulk or w/e he is trying to impersonate.

Next I went to the hut..

and here is what I realised a fundamental flaw of the spyglass quest. It shows you the 4 locations in like the worst quest Order Possible, this quest here is like ESCORT ME TO RAGGARAN, and I'm like I've just been there... seriously?... really the spyglass quest NEEDS to show the areas in the optimum quest order, which imo is probably, almost, the reverse of the order it actually shows Farm->Hut->Raggaran->Bridge, for the most optimum quest order, I suppose at Raggaran you could go north to the quillboars and escort her on the way back, but the south west quillboars are much nearer so unless you knew this quest was going to be this than you would naturally go south west.

This quest though is actually a really awesome escort quest, you barely fight anything other than a few raptors on the way and maybe a few crocolisks (Can't remember) but the old orc is like CBA SWIMMING GIVE WATER WALKING BUFF, and she gives u one (it's especially powerful because melee attacks don't cause you to lose the buff like water walking/levitate) and then she's like AHHH SPRAINED MY ANKLE and is like RAWR I'M THRALL LIKE POWERFUL and summons a cyclone to lift her to raggaran, pretty damn awesome if you ask me. Obviously I was kinda annoyed that I had already done the Raggaran quests but ye, I moved on to the bridge quests..

Ok, so this troll guy is like I WISH I WAS A MEMBER OF DEHTA or w/e they are called on wow and asks you to chase off some birds into the barrens (which is ironic because the orc girl in the barrens later tells you to kill them (Spoilers? D:)) but the mechanics of this quest are cool, you attack them and at around 30% health they run away to the barrens, pretty cool.

You then get asked to kill this raptor thats gone rabid or something, this is also the first time they show you their new PORTRAIT TO DO WITH QUESTS thing, and tbh I wish all quests had this feature, its so nice immersive and helpful, its a great summary of the quest text, gives u a great visual stimulii to help on the quest and yeh, it's just a great addition, I really hope this gets put on most quests tbh. Anyway you kill this raptor (he does nothing special, a bit disappointing :() and thats the end of that hub, so onto the last area.

And she is like YO GO COLLECT 250!!!!!!!!! teeth to make this necklace for my lost son. Whilst this is cool, immedietly I am like WTF 250?!?!?!, but actually thinking about it now its actually adding some realism to wow, It would be kinda weird to kill say a crocodile in real life and only be able to take 1 tooth per kill, here you are collecting around 30 or so per crocolisk, which is realistic and so immersive (again props to the little portrait thing). This quest also nets you the typical 8-slot bag that you get in every starting zone now.

After this you go back and hand in the patrol quests, I also Magically dinged here unlocking talent specialisation to me (I think this should be separately pointed out when you ding along with the talent points. I took some nice screenshots of the masteries stuff, I might have already posted about it so I'm going to check, but a few summaries on this quest hub I LIKE these ways of spicing up generic kill/gather quests, they give you a sense of progression and are having an over-arching quest I just feel adds to the immersion of the kill quests.


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