Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Zoram'gar Outpost

Ok, so we get a nice way of travelling between the horde quest hubs here, just simply talking to the flightmaster to get a flight out there. This is just so great in terms of not interrupting the questing experience and well a unique way of bypassing the alliance quest hubs in-between the 2 Questing Areas.

Here, we are given a look at the new look Zoram'gar: and isn't it just awesome, loving the new Horde architecture of war-driven looks and well more crisp instead of say the huts of like a rag-tag disorganised horde, which wasn't so threatening or just awe-inspiring.

Here, we are sort of given a break off the front-lines of the horde-alliance conflict and are instead focusing on securing supply-lines and troops and well investigating blackfathom deeps, onto this later.

Arriving into the zone we get a bunch of quests, 1 to light a lighthouse, unique type of quest afaik :O, 1 to collect some stuff, 1 to kill a load of Naga and 1 to do a sort of Escort.

I'll start with the escort first, because well accepting it makes it automatically trigger. This escort is well... it's exactly the same as it was in Vanilla, down to the handing it into the Warsong runner (apart from you don't gain his report this time for it). Seems a bit weird you would be handing in this quest to him. Onto the actual quest, he takes a painfully long time to get to the actual area we are fighting. He is quite a powerful escortee though, so the waves of Naga are fairly easy to handle, although somewhat annoying that if you don't do enough damage to his target you won't be able to loot the heads of the naga for the other quest. (I would really have loved this quest escort to involve killing exactly 20 naga, it would have been awesome for synergy purposes).

The final guy at the end of the escort isn't too tough, I mean it makes no sense his quest description I mean it made sense when zoram'gar was a small outpost and was highly vulnerable to attack because it was just basically a camp outpost, but now its a ful-fledged fortress pretty much and it sort of makes no sense that this hydra would be able to seemingly decimate, as implied, zoram-gar on multiple occasions. Regardless he's a uniquely colored hydra and falls rather easil.

Now, the next quests involve killing Hydra and collecting parts, both of which happen to be at the bottom of the ocean here. They really need to give a water-breathing buff and/or a swim-speed buff (yes I forgot about water form I suck :<<<<). Really though, the ocean here is really deep and you have to come to the surface around 3-5 times whilst doing this quest, which makes the quest exceedingly annoying. I do like these sort of COLLECT ITEMS TO MORPH THEM INTO THIS NEW ITEM, however some way of tracking them would be nice other than looking into your inventory.

The area is also *REALLY* close to the edge of the zone in terms of fatigue, Reef sharks patrol the edge here, which are like elite creatures designed to deter players from heading into fatigued zones. I could see people accidentally aggroing them, which is always a concern to me. Anyway after killing all the hydra, which there are plenty of spawns of, along with the parts at the bottom of the ocean, it's just they are too spread out if you aren't given access to water breathing and/or a swim-speed buff.

You find yourself returning to Zoram'gar to hand in the quests and like cook your hydra blubber to make oil. A few things, when I had 10/10 blubber it showed me where the lighthouse was on the map for me to go and hand that in, rather than like the forge where I cooked it. Then when I made the oil the quest objectives map was showing I needed to go collect more blubber. I don't know if this is a limitation with the quest objectives, but it would be nice to be shown where to do the quest with the oil aswell as where to collect the hydra depending on what part of the quest you might be on.

After climbing the lighthouse and lighting it, which tbh didn't make enough of a difference to the flame, maybe somebody else had just been here and lit it but I don't think so. It definitly needs to be MUCH brighter when you light the flame to just add to the realism of the quest and of course the immersion aswell.

Now, you get one last quest here to like... get some venison for the soldiers at Zoram'gar a nice quest that makes sense in the story of the lore, it's just its timing is a litte ><, I mean the problem here is you get given all the quests to do with like the Blackfathom Deeps area before the venison quest, and so logically you would be doing these and heading to Blackfathom deeps before going back to do the venison quest. So it just seems rather isolated, having all the blackfathom deeps area quests unlock when you unlock this venison quest would make much more sense in terms of quest cycling.

Onto the actual quest though, there really are nowhere near enough stags. I'm sure there might be loads like heading into alliance territority, but they need to be more concentrated on the edges of the beach in my opinion, I don't want to be heading into alliance territory to get some venison if I can just get it here. Also the drop rate isn't 100%, it's like 50-75% or so. Increase it to 100% please, I hate killing stags in the first place and the fact there aren't really enough and the drop rate isn't 100% is just irritating.

However, yes this is part of the area I love, the fact they kept the Blackfathom deeps outside quests in the game. It's just overall nice to be sort of led into the area of Blackfathom deeps by quests outside the area, allowing any person questing in Ashenvale to unlock the dungeon in the dungeon finder, and well do some quests. I question actually entering the instance to hand in like 2 quests but yeh. The actual quests themselves, plenty of spawns of those Sapphires on the walls, plenty of tide priestesses and the drop-rate on the QUEST STARTING piece of paper was perfectly reasonable. Overall these quests were very nice and easy to complete, whilst giving the player an actual reason as to why you would want to go and do Blackfathom Deeps as an instance, it's lore and story etc.

But yeh, that's it for this zone, you get a breadcrumb to go to Hellscream's Watch after handing these quests in.. so ONWARD!!!

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