Regardless though I wanted to post my thoughts on Holy paladins at the moment in the beta, it is my beloved spec and well I have stuff to say.
Tell me how Divinity is not a boring talent that is completely mandatory for healing -_-. I would love to step into cataclysm where say the following changes were made:
1) Divinity scrapped, reworked into passives
2) Blazing Light moved to Tier 1, reworked slightly to be comparative to Arbiter of the Light for damage.
3) Enlightened Judgements moved to Tier 2, perhaps controversial for ret/prot to be able to take this so perhaps reworking for seal of insight judges. Note: I do not believe tier 2 talents should ever be anything but optional for subspecs, and certainly not mandatory, it means I have incredibly little choice.
4) Improved Concentration Aura reworked, I personally don't like the idea of concentration aura anyway, it's outdated and makes it mandatory, I realise auras are a "core mechanic" of the paladin class right, but right now they are buffs, they don't do anything exciting they are just passive. I would propose making auras more like thorns has become. You could do this by adding one to each spec so that say Prot has an armor cooldown, Ret has a "thorns" cooldown and Holy already has Aura mastery. Resistance aura and Crusader aura (unfortunately ^^) should be scrapped. Resistance aura makes aura mastery mandatory as a talent for healing and I feel creates too many problems. It will feel really mandatory in 10 mans I feel and should just be scrapped for the better good (along with the shaman equivalent, which I think is a talent :S). These are off the top of my head I just don't see how auras are fun, especially talents that improve them.
5) All movement increasing talents scrapped: it is silly how some specs do not have to enchant run speed on boots and others do, please get rid of these talents. The enchant is a great discerner of good and bad players, having talents negates this and are so mandatory when they should be utility, at the very least make talents only 8% so that basically it is utility and you are choosing between speed on boots or another enchant plus the talent.
6) Protector of the Innocent should be scrapped, at the very least the +% healing for people with devotion aura. It's a talent that would likely be skipped over by Holy Paladins regardless with the current trees and again, talents that prop up abilities that should be like this baseline are silly.
7) Improved Judgement made baseline, I think this is obvious, at the moment every spec will take it, it is an amazing talent and should just be made baseline, it's kinda silly that every spec will just put these 2 points here.
8) Rework Eternal Glory or move it down the tree, it's too powerful and too unreliable in my opinion, it means less fun choices when healing. I'm not sure how I would change it, I would probably just move it out of reach of holy because I feel it is a perfectly good talent for rets to have access to.
9) With the above changes in mind, move Rule of Law up to tier 1 and rework either rule of law or crusade into a 2 point talent.
10) Keep pursuit of Justice in it's current location minus the 15% increased run/mount speed, the problem here is you need to add in say a 2 point utility talent and a 3 point mandatory talent for retribution here which would not be mandatory for neither holy nor prot, this is pretty tough I have to say but yeh the tree would be so good if this could happen.
11) As an aside I would consider making judgements of the pure baseline aswell, it's certainly going to be mandatory for both holy and ret, probably prot too and it's a bit of a beefy talent at 3 points regardless, it's not necessary for holy to be a good tree but for ret/prot to have good sub-specs this would need to be addressed.
Personally I just want to say that "fun" for me is to
a) be able to know what are the best talents to take at max level (when levelling it's less of an issue, I mean I don't really know whether certain points are worth more during levelling etc). I don't want to have to go and research on some forum/website what spec I need to take because I have to choose between throughput talents. (If I have to research utility choices thats ok because that will probably change from fight to fight and overall don't have much impact on my throughput
b) Choice, this probably coincides with point a here but I mean I don't want to feel like I'm bottlenecked into taking say 38/39 out of my 41 points and have to choose between say only 2 talents. I like say how Ghostcrawler recently advocated on the forums about taking talents like Denounce and Blazing Light in the Holy tree, quite simply I can't without impacting my raiding throughput, and hence I would never take them for anything short of levelling, which is pretty sad imo and is basically what we have in talent trees right now.