Cataclysm Beta Levelling Zones

Cataclysm Beta Feedback on Levelling through zones will be referenced here

Gilneas: TBD

The Lost Isles: TBD

Dun Morogh: TBD

Elwynn Forest: TBD


Shadowglen - Teldrassil #1
Starbreeze Village -Teldrassil #2
Ban'ethil Barrow Dens - Teldrassil #3
Lake Al'Ameth and The Oracle Glade - Teldrassil #4
Teldrassil Conclusion -Teldrassil Final


Orc Starting Zone - TBD
Troll Starting Zone - Echo Isles
Sen'jin Village - Durotar #1
Razor Hill - Durotar #2
Patrol Quest Hub - Durotar #3
Northern Durotar - Durotar Final

Silverpine Forest: TBD

Azshara: TBD

Westfall: TBD

Redridge Mountains: TBD


Lor'danel - Darkshore #1
Bashal'aran - Darkshore #2
Ruins of Mathystra - Darkshore #3
Ruins of Auberdine - Darkshore #4
The Eye of the Vortex - Darkshore #5
Grove of the Ancients - Darkshore #6
The Master's Glaive - Darkshore Final

Northern Barrens:

Far-Watch Post & Grol'dom Farm - Northern Barrens #1
Crossroads - Northern Barrens #2
Ratchet - Northern Barrens #3
Nozzlepot's Outpost - Northern Barrens #4
Final Quests - Northern Barrens Final

Wetlands: TBD

Hillsbrad/Alterac: TBD

Duskwood: TBD

Ashenvale (Alliance):

Orendil's Retreat - Ashenvale #1
Maestra's Post - Ashenvale #2
Astranaar - Ashenvale #3
Raynewood Tower - Ashenvale #4
Shrine of Aessina - Ashenvale #5
Forest Song - Ashenvale #6
Stardust Spire - Ashenvale Final

Ashenvale (Horde):

Mor'shan Ramparts - Ashenvale #1
Splintertree #1 - Ashenvale #2
Splintertree #2 - Ashenvale #3
Zoram'gar Outpost - Ashenvale #4
Hellscream Watch - Ashenvale #5
Silverwind Post + Prelude - Ashenvale Final

Arathi Highlands (Alliance): TBD

Arathi Highlands (Horde): TBD

Northern Stranglethorn (Alliance): TBD

Northern Stranglethorn (Horde): TBD

Stonetalon Mountains (Alliance):

Windshear Mine - Stonetalon #1
Windshear Hold - Stonetalon #2
Northwatch Expedition Camp - Stonetalon #3
Mirkfallon Post & Thal'darah Overlook - Stonetalon #4
Farwatcher's Glen - Stonetalon Final

Stonetalon Mountains (Horde):

The Fold - Stonetalon #1
Krom'gar Fortress - Stonetalon #2l
Malaka'jin - Stonetalon #3
Stonetalon Final - Stonetalon Final

Southern Barrens (Alliance): TBD

Southern Barrens (Horde): TBD

The Hinterlands (Alliance): TBD

The Hinterlands (Horde): TBD

Cape of Strangelthorn: (Alliance): TBD

Cape of Stranglethorn (Horde): TBD

Desolace (Horde/Alliance):

Furien - Desolace #1
Ethel Rethor - Desolace #2
Thunder Axe Fortress - Desolace #3
Cenarion Wildlands - Desolace #4
Ghostwalker Post  - Desolace #5
Shadowprey Village - Desolace #6
Desolace Conclusion - Desolace Final
Alliance Supplement(s) - Desolace Supplement

Western Plaguelands (Alliance): TBD

Western Plaguelands (Horde): TBD

Dustwallow Marsh (Horde/Alliance): Maybe TBD (very similar to live so might not be worth it)

Feralas (Horde):

Camp Ataya - Feralas #1
Stonemaul Hold - Feralas #2
Camp Mojache #1 - Feralas #3
Camp Mojache #2 - Feralas Final
Alliance Supplement - Feralas Supplement

Eastern Plaguelands (Alliance): TBD

Eastern Plaguelands (Horde): TBD

Thousand Needles (Alliance): TBD

Thousand Needles (Horde): TBD

Felwood (Alliance): TBD

Felwood (Horde): TBD

Tanaris (Alliance): TBD

Tanaris (Horde):TBD

Badlands (Alliance): TBD

Badands (Horde): TBD

Searing Gorge (Alliance): TBD

Searing Gorge (Horde): TBD

Winterspring (Alliance): TBD

Winterspring (Horde): TBD

Ungoro (Alliance): TBD

Ungoro (Horde): TBD

Burning Steppes (Alliance): TBD

Burning Steppes (Horde): TBD

Swamp of Sorrows (Alliance): TBD

Swamp of Sorrows (Horde): TBD

Silithus (Alliance): TBD

Silithus (Horde): TBD

Blasted Lands (Alliance): TBD

Blasted Lands (Horde): TBD