Wednesday, 1 September 2010

New Build!!!

Right, new build I had started my Dwarf Shaman but I'm gonna hold back on writing up because the new build unlocked Thousand Needles for Testing, sooo I can finally get to 55 on my druid/priest, which Is pretty cool.

Dunno if this post is really worthy of a post but lets point some clear things out from this patch.

1) They want to heavily tune down "mana-regen" tactics, this is a great decision it means you have more room to make mistakes as a healer and this sort of thing.

2) Removing Illumination, I never liked this talent as like a pathetic amount of mana, it worked better with 100% back on crits because it just felt nicer, but it's too hard to balance around this mechanic at all levels of gear I would presume and so it's been removed and probably for the better.

3) ZG IS GONE!!!?!?!?!!!!????!!!! Please make those mounts welfare so I can laugh at a certain somebody who farmed those for over 4 years and only just got both of them recently :)))).