1) I realise Ashenvale is really incomplete, most of the "new quests" seem to be here but they are incredibly buggy and some of the old quests still linger.
2) I am not sure whether the Mor'shan ramparts are meant to be part of Ashenvale's quest quota or Northern Barren's quota. I.E should I include them in a 20-25 level zone feedback or not.
Lets just crack on with the feedback though, ok firstly, I decided I would try balance for this zone with 0 gear to start out with, obviously not a problem However, one thing that was a problem was the world server, in the current build every time you disconnect or like relog you lose your specialised skills, in this case Starsurge :<. So basically I did like half the zone without this skill, which is a real pain in the ass.
I'll do some comments on Balance druid in another post however, firstly you are given a bunch of quests, 1 is to gather quivers off the ground, 1 is to kill lots of night elves and the other is to find a horde assassin. Going out of the gates here is just ridiculously stupid, if you try to pull without going far past the gate you get continually sprung upon with adds, what makes this worse is the fact they are nightelf males.. seriously Blizzard keep Malfurion Stormrage as the only male night elf in game, he is the only cool looking one :<.
Anyway, this is just hideously Nightmarish trying to exit the area, you basically have to time your exit with 2 skirmishers just spawning and then run past the bowman to the otherside, really just awful. I think the fact that the ramparts is being attacked is actually pretty awesome, but the fact that the night-elves here aggro you first and not the guards is just really awful :/.
Having made it past these guards you find that there are pathetically few quivers to the west of the ramparts... seriously they are all on the east side apart from like 2, and even then there are ridiculously few, really need to bump up those spawns. However the night elf are plentiful in supply, so thats at least something.. I'm going to add that there are a few level 23 wolves in the area aswell, for a level 19 entering this zone, it's kinda urgh, you can avoid them but I am sure they are not meant to be here. However, we eventually get to the dying assassin and he is like TAKE MY FINAL REPORT BACK avenge me etc.
So after doing this you run back into the ramparts, which is somewhat easier than running out since you can just run past the guards and they take aggro on those annoying skirmishers.. :(.
Regardless we hand in these quests and are told we can ressurect the dead assassin's spirit to avenge his death and kill his murderer. Cool stuff really, the dialogue is really nice and so are the actions, although he does talk alot for somebody who is dead, it is pretty decent quest, after this we just run back :).
I've got to say these next quests are a bit o.O in terms of names, firstly we have GOT WOOD? where we travel on a kodo to the lumber camp, nice FINALLY A WAY TO GET OUT WITHOUT AGGROING STUPID SKIRMISHERS, we ride it to the next little quest hub. However I believe my fortune was slightly premature.
Instead of fighting 2 lvl 20 or so skirmishers we now have to deal with level 24 STEALTHED spiders and those 23 wolves, which are far far far far far far far too numerous in number for a zone which should be for level 20's.. seriously. To top all this off the next quest is like you have to talk to peons to get them to cut lumber (great quest btw if it wasn't bugged) they go to a tree and like I think it is if you are in combat when they finish their animation, it might be just if you don't kill the assasin quick enough, the lumber doesn't spawn. None of my peons died but I had to talk to about 15 peons to wait for 5 peons where I didn't aggro a stupid lvl 23/24 mob or get a random nightelf assassin spawning when collecting the lumber.
Yeh this quest is seriously annoying. I dinged level 20 here aswell, mainly cos I had to kill so much frigging stuff to get that quest done. Kinda annoyed they didnt add an auto quest or something to go train your mount, would be kinda awesome rather than the IN THE MAIL type quest.
Anyway the next quest, NEEDS A LITTLE LUBRICATION, yes it does get better :). Where you have to kill slimes with a drop-rate of seemingly 25% or less, it's an awful drop-rate really, especially since the slimes are littered with 24 stealthed spiders and lvl 20 stealthed night-elfs you consistantly aggro.
I stumbled across a quest whilst like killing these, it was the old Vanilla quest where you storm into the Silverwing outpost. I liked this quest from vanilla, but it seems so... out of place I mean, it's out of the way of quests really and the levels of the guys you fight are too high really. However, if it could be kept and given a breadcrumb to, I feel like the quest is really nice and fits in with the cataclysm alliance-horde fighting very well.
There is also the mob Sharptalon here, which used to be apart of the GREAT ASHENVALE HUNT series of quests, I know that killing it yields a starting quest item. However, seriously, remove this quest and the other quests. I met all of them on my travels through Ashenvale, but unless the player is given some sort of hint they are meant to kill them, half of the time players won't unless they get aggro'd by them. Whilst I like the HEY LETS HUNT SOME RARE ANIMALS, type quest. I feel like it at least needs to be a quest to go out and hunt them, perhaps you could add it into the Mor'shan Ramparts starting hub, that is if they stay. I decided to not do any apart from the last one, because I had he well aggro'd me.
However, after doing these several annoying long-assed quests we finally get to go back to the Mor'shan Ramparts, but hey what do you know ^^ being shapeshifted when the kodo arrives to ride you back there bugs it out, so you don't hop into the vehicle, basically I tried to chase it but didn't get completion so had to go back and not be shapeshifted to get the quest done. Not sure if I should call that a bug or if it's just limitations with the vehicle implementation, regardless it needs to be fixed or indicated in the quest not to be shapeshifted.
Regardless, the actual riding of the kodo is fun, and also rather dramatic since your orc companion gets shot and well dies when you reach the ramparts, pretty awesome drama there, if only I hadn't lost immersion from the long-ass quests :<.
After this though you are immediately flung straight back onto the kodo, because apparently Splintertree post is under attack O:. We also get to see how awesomely badass this kodo is under the reigns of Kadrak, the orc commander. Seriously wish we could control one of these Kodo's :<.
This quest is really awesome though, sort of a drama filled cutscene but YOU are right in the middle of it, you are fighting through the alliance scum! (omg yes) to get through to splintertree, and after some neat phasing we get into Ashenvale proper and Splintertree.
Like I said at the top, this zone is incredibly buggy at the moment in terms of quests and mob levels. However the quest direction for these quests was definitly good (even if I was distracted by the somewhat childish quest names).
Like I've already stated in the previous post, Splintertree is Going to get split into 2 posts, not sure where I'm going to make the cut-off point, but there are alot of quests for the area and well putting them all in 1 might make my 2000 word long posts become like 3-5 thousand word thesis :(.
Anyway Slideshow :)