However, these quests are superb the breadcrumb quest is a simple hand-in and hand back but obviously you can get other quests here, one is an escort quest one is a kill quest and one is a gather the item quest. All the quests have great synergy really and you end up killing the murlocs at the same time you have done both the artifact collecting and the escort quest.
I really want to comment on the escort quest though, it is amazing I was laughing so hard when it ended the fact that all you do is end up walking all the way round the ruins ending up at the encampment anyway.. superb really that quest is so awesome I mean, god I just love these surprising quests every once and a while, the fact I only realised it right before the end of the quest was really good aswell :D.
You get a couple of cool quests though as follow-up, use some metal detector thing to grab some ancient device hidden in the area, nice quest really a good twist on the common gather quest and the go out to sea and collect some wreckage, pretty bland but the fact that the objective is to build a home for the murlocs is really cool and surprising at the same time. Handing in these quests give a little cut-scene with the device fully activated which is pretty intriguing and also quite scary and forboding since this site is a titan area (master's glaive lore), do we need another algalon :(.
We also get this awesome quest to build a murloc encampment where loads of murlocs rush to along with the kewt baby murlocs, the quest text at the end is also just so good.. What has he done!?!?! Regardless after that little fun excursion, which always, always have a place in a serious story line just for hilarity without breaking the story because the serious story hadn't begun yet, we head back to the Grove for the follow-ups.
Firstly we are told we need to awaken the ancients to battle this old-god awakening, but upon getting to the keeper who holds the horn to awaken them we find it has been stolen by naga and the keeper is dead.. Really I love the revelation here that we find him dead and aren't told he would be on the map or what have you. Regardless we get a follow-up to head back to the grove and figure out what to do, which essentially means go kill the naga and try and get the horn back.
These quests are also really immersive, the naga here are in plentiful supply and the ratio is about right for the cave maybe you could add some myrmidons to the objective, but it's not exactly a major issue. Regardless though the named npc uses the Najentus model, which is pretty cool and you hand in and pick up a new quest at his body, which is pretty cool for immersion a nice substitute for the auto-quest feature, which could have also worked in this scenario. Regardless it seems you are forced to try and stop the horn from being offered to azshara so you can retrieve it.
This quest is pretty awesome though you kill the priestesses, which do have some pathing issues, if you try and kill the back right one from range she will run into all the other priestesses aggroing them because of the pathing here, a little irritating so perhaps increasing her spell range would be nice or something to detract from the pathing issues. Regardless though you kill the priestesses and bam.. Queen Azshara appears, now I presume this model is placeholder.. if it Isn't it needs to be, Queen azshara just needs a different model than other leading naga lieutenants, she is like the most important naga out there and deserves a unique model. The lore is pretty awesome and you get to see malfurion come and save your ass from oblivion, which is always cool.
You get the follow-up though to quickly head to the master's glaive and use the horn to kill the old god avatar here. He has a really lovely model, I would like to think the ancients would spawn quicker to aggro him, I used the horn at max range from him and still had to run to stop from being meleed, I don't know how hard he hit but I didn't want to risk dying since he has like 4k hp. The fight is pretty epic, more and more ancients spawn to help kill him and you really don't necessarily feel like the hero here you just instigated the process of summoning ancients. A pretty epic conclusion to this brilliant zone tbh.
I just want to say a few words about darkshore as a zone, it really is superb it puts alot of zones like Northern barrens to shame in how good and immersive the zone is. It starts off slowly (I think totalbiscuit for example really goes ott on this point in his videos of the start of the area, for a new player you won't be doing the worgen starting area and going from teldrassil to darkshore is a really smooth transition) However the conclusion is lore-infested and overall the zone is amazing.
I think the best way to some up this zone is "how to make a zone immersive without auto-quest", whilst auto-questing could be used instead of the methods employed here, it wouldn't be that more immersive really it would just be slightly more streamlined, I don't know if auto-questing is going to be implemented in this zone at all, but honestly the zone doesn't need it so if the resources aren't available to devote to implementing it in the zone then it really just isn't necessary.
Slideshows for this zone and obviously the whole zone are here, started Ashenvale earlier today I have a few fps/crash issues at the moment, perhaps due to the new build, but hopefully I will finish that today and write-up the zone later today/tomorrow, however enjoy the slideshows :)).