Ok, lets be blunt: My feedback of this zone is almost entirely negative, Why is this? Well first of all I would like to state killing mobs with 60-70k hp is not exactly that fun when your character can only really put out 4 or 5k dps when it should be dishing out at least double that, but regardless of that. I found the whole zone really un-immersive, Vashj'ir and Hyjal you really felt part of the story you were risking your life to actually help the kingdoms you did cool stuff, here you are just seemingly an errand boy running around and doing tasks, there is no immersion factor in my mind.
The zone itself is very made and the concept of the quests themselves are also good, but the quests are just hideously un-immersive, before you can ever get into an area you are forced to move on to an area completely different. I can see how that is attractive for the speed leveller, but personally I want to feel immersed in my quests and the story without reading all the quest text and therefore taking 20x the time to level up. This zone horrendously fails at that. It seems to be a zone completely aimed at speed levelling and 0 quest immersion factor, I'm abbreviating that to qif from now on.
What I mean by qif is that, without reading the quest text, I feel embeded in a story and get a good idea of most of the lore and story. Example of good qif's include the battlemaiden storyline in vash'jir bad forms are stuff like generic kill quests where no information is given besides in the quest text. You are told to kill this like priestess at the end who is seemingly a total badass yet you only just meet her. I love quest chains that say end in u killing a bad guy to introduce that person fairly early on and for it to be known they are your enemy.
This zone is full of horrible kill boss type bosses, they might be slightly challenging or something like that and yes that is actually quite cool, but when they are given no backstory through quests they seem horribly random, I mean I want "boss fight type quests" to be against guys I either know through lore or have been introduced through a big chain of quests and climax them, not after like 2 quests in a chain or just a random quest parked in the middle of nowhere. They are really bad qifs these type of quests really spoilt the zone for me, it felt fragmented and not really flowing at all, the only place i felt flowing was the earthern place, but it also seemed so random, there was no back story u were just flung in to fighting with the earthen just so u could greedily take their fragment.
This was the only part of the zone that was actually good quest flow. Wherever you have to fly manually with your flying mount just breaks quest flow so much, when you have to fly halfway across the map and end up only having to do like 2 quests in that area, it is just so demoralising I want quest hubs to be meaningful, and to immerse me in the story of that area and then climax.
Like I have said I like the story of this zone, there are 3 fragments and you have to collect them. 1 is owned by the therazane clan, the other by the earthen and the last was being delivered by the horde gunship. With the Twilight Cult as the common enemy of all 3. That is a perfectly cool and awesome story line but the implementation was just so un-immersive, I was fighting the last battle having no real idea who this girl is im trying to beat up, I mean thats wrong you are fighting a mega kick ass battle and you don't really know who you are fighting, urgh so unimmersive.
I have looked on the forums and have seen mostly positive feedback, almost in its entirety for this zone. Idk if I was doing a different zone or something but this zone was leagues worse than Hyjal/Vash'jir in terms of immersion and fun. I grant you this zone was perhaps more efficient for questing (although the fact you don't even get a full level from doing the quests in the zone without dailies is horrific) since it took me a full hour, hour and a half less to clear this zone than the other 2, but yeh. The quests need some serious revamp in my opinion, extra quests need to be added in most of the hubs besides perhaps the earthen questline.
There need to be far better tranisitions between zones (this is something that hyjal needs to imo) like how in vashjir you would transition between quest hubs slowly because it was a pretty linear zone, and that was very good. However you don't need all your quest hubs right next to each other to be awesome, you just need awesome travelling things, stuff like the lost isles area uses (cannons/tigers etc) they make moving from hub to hub more seemless and far more immersive than having to mount your flying mount and fly for a good 5 minutes alt tabbed, yeh thats not fun in anyway. Like how you are fighting one of those guys begins with a Z in deepholm where you fly around on a dragon chasing him, thats a cool way to transition between hubs.
Look, I'm no expert in testing and giving feedback to be quite honest, but I feel like this zone needs a hell of a lot of work on quest immersion, Vash'jir was my favorite zone of the 3 so far with hyjal not that far behind actually, but deepholm is utterly attrocious in my books and if this sort of quest immersion made it to live I would certainly be skipping this zone every time unless the thalazane faction was important for something.
I also hate how I start this zone at 82 with full rested and end up at 85% or so and only having dailies to get that level, I'm sorry but I really despise dailies and feel this zone needs hefty tuning to make it a viable zone.
As a side note to this rather negative wall of text, I do like what is being done with the Paladin class, although I have my reservations over Inquisition it basically just seems like a new version of savage roar/slice and dice, Personally I don't want another melee class that has to hold up this buff based on "COMBO POINTS TIMINGS". I'll save that for another post though.
I don't know if Blizzard will read this post, but I hope so.