Firstly, I'm going to talk about a few things Paladin specific, since I mean that is the class I play and well it's most dear to me, but then I'll go ahead and comment on some other changes that I believe are more major.
Lets take the first change: Holy power UI change, I'm sort of 50/50 on this one, whilst I feel the design is very much befitting a paladin class, I look at it and go BAM I AM PLAYING A PALADIN, which I feel like is well a major plus, since like pretty much every class in cataclysm is seemingly getting some unique UI attention, so I mean I'm going to look at the default screen of a warlock and without looking at spells know that it's a warlock compared to say a mage or w/e.
However, I feel like the design is somewhat clunky, what I mean by this is that it doesn't really serve it's function well, since at the moment I cannot really see a situation where you will be wanting to do anything but 3 Holy power moves in the game, like theres no benefit to really using a 2 holy power ability and the UI is just like, I have to really look at it to tell how much power it is, I have to discern which parts of the bar are lit up instead of seeing an overall number.
I feel like the UI would be greatly improved by adding a number to the bar, maybe it has one on text with the UI and I failed to notice it, but a simple 0,1,2,3 in the centre of the bar would do wonders to making this ui really acceptable. I do think though that half my hostility towards the ui is the fact that I never liked the positioning of the player bar, mainly because it causes players to miss things.
The original ui sort of makes you want to make a pretty large triangle between top-left,top-right and bottom since you need to know about all these 3 things for stuff like timings/buffs and resources/your current hp. However this means that your eyes are constantly darting between the 3 points on the screen and by-pass the middle. I just always feel that one of these has to go in terms of ui and since it would just be easier to like re-design the ui so that the player frame was on the bottom with the abilities and the buff/debuffs at the top of the screen that could really work. I mean, I don't expect this to happen but I mean if players only had 2 places to look between on the default UI I can only imagine player skill increasing because of more time being able to look at your character.
I also don't like the idea of having buffs for holy power and the UI element, probably this build was caught in-between internal builds and the buff will be redundant, I just feel that the buff is pointless with the UI element in place.
If we move on to actual changes to the paladin, there are a few major ones I want to bring up. Firstly for the Holy tree we are moving towards a choice system for Holy Power: GREAT! Definitely getting some choice back into the holy paladin rotation, I still feel that there is not enough choice, considering the amount of up-keep a paladin has in their healing setup at the moment, along with buffs making you do precise things, but it's in a much better shape.
The change to blessed life was always going to be a good change, although I do feel a similar view to some people on the forums about it sharing a little too similar role with Tower of Radiance. I mean, it's not the fact that I wouldn't benefit from having both but because the first 4 tiers of Holy are chock-a-block full of talents I would pretty much regard as mandatory (other than enlightened judgements) it means you can only really take one "utility" talent, which is either Blessed life/Enlightened judgements/Tower of Radiance/Improved Conc Aura (PLEASE GET RID OF THIS!!!!!)/Denounce.
Since Tower of Radiance/Blessed life are going to improve my healing in like most fights they are the choices I would be taking, and my main problem with these talents are the fact that Blessed Life is probably going to be better when you are healing the raid, whereas Tower of Radiance is going to be Superior whilst Tank healing.. it means I know I would end up having to dual spec 2 holy specs, which I don't feel is ever a good goal of a tree, if I was dual speccing to have different Utilities in a raid, I feel that is fine but if I am dual speccing because I am switching between a Main Tank Healer and a Raid Healer, I feel that means a failure in achieving said goals.
I'm also going to comment on the fact that this is the ONLY place where the paladin really has a choice, you pretty much need the extra range of judgements to keep up jotp and you need the extra run speed/word of glory talent/rule of law in Retribution for throughput concerns (I consider run speed mandatory and would rather have every single run-speed talent/enchant scrapped to make it even for all classes, it's like spellback resistance: Every class wants it, but sometimes can't afford to get it, it also provides balancing issues imo because stuff like defile on Lich King is so much harder for certain classes because they don't get a 15% run speed increase compared to others).
The other major changes are the change to Improved Crusader Strike (Sanctity of Battle) I feel like this talent is kinda.. superfluous. At 4.5 Seconds it is not going to be really any more useful haste reduced until you can get it to 3 seconds, this sort of gets to a point where haste will perhaps be a very junk stat until high levels where it becomes godly, but its rather on a tiered level which I don't really like.
I feel like if you want to make haste useful it has to be a way of generating holy power more often, and not through crusader strike usage, since that is going to be global cooldown locked alot of the time, Perhaps have haste give a chance for every other ability to generate holy power.. so like have crusader strike on 4.5 seconds but then give a talent that is like "Allows Haste to give a chance of generating holy power on any ability" perhaps bake it into Divine Purpose to allow for haste scaling of the class maybe something like 30% base and then increased via haste. Idk I'm just throwing ideas out here.
Oh, the last point I wanted to make: Turn Divine Favour into Power Infusion vs. 2. I feel like, although power infusion is not actually that powerful, having 1 healer spec with it is going to affect 10 man raiding balance and perhaps make a disc priest mandatory if you go with a caster setup. Maybe it's a minor thing but I just feel that Power Infusion is just far too powerful, it would also make Divine Favour more of an option than a Mandatory choice. Definitly a step in the right direction though.
For other classes, giving bear a shield wall seems perfectly fine since barkskin wasn't really cutting it as a major cooldown, making tanks a little more homogenized is maybe bad but hey.. I would rather have cooldowns be very similar across the classes some sort of last stand, some sort of major shield wall and some sort of barkskin, they don't have to be identical but the idea of 3 dependable cooldowns that accomplish the same thing always seems like is going to be a win-win scenario.
The "utility" of fire, don't agree with it really, mainly because the only dot's they have are living bomb and ignite, It also seems like it isn't really utility but mandatory, or forcing an "aoe fight spec" and a "single-target fight spec" which I don't think should be intended. It's also very rng utility, 10% on anything which means it takes about the duration of living bomb to proc meaning on average you get 1 proc every 15 seconds. I can't really imagine how useful it is going to be to have an rng spell that on average will only just proc within the time-span of a living bomb application. This definitly could work, but I feel like it needs to be more re-active than pro-active, since fire has alot of proactive abilities at its disposal anyway.
Definitly liking the change to Chakra to make it an active ability, It's great because it definitly isn't one of those abilities you want to use on cooldown but the short cooldown means you are inclined to be pro-active in its use, definitly liking this change rather than a 3-way eclipse bar.
Last few things are like: giving concentration aura to shamans is good, but I feel it needs to go on the fire totem. I know that doesn't make much sense but the shaman is going to end up choosing between free healing (Healing Stream) and less-pushback. Compared to the Paladin who is going to be choosing between damage reduction (armor/resistance) and pushback resistance. Whilst the above points are true they are also covered by other classes (PARTICULARLY A SHAMAN :/) so when you have a shaman and a paladin in your group you are going to be giving up some healing from the shaman to provide concentration aura, which I feel is somewhat wrong and since the fire totem is really not that special for an elemental shaman it would be nice to add concentration aura here.
Last point is the changes to stances, I feel as if we are at the point where Berserker/Battle Stance are really filling the same void.. I mean defensive stance is obvious LESS DAMAGE TAKEN AND MORE THREAT. Berserker stance should provide some flavour to do with rage or enrage mechanics, make it stand out as really BERSERKING. Battle Stance should all be about finess and stuff so perhaps keep it the same as it is. I just feel like berserker stance just is there.. and I can't really say why it is a "berserking stance" because most "berserking" abilities are useable in other forms (for balance purposes) and the stance itself is just MORE DAMAGE. Feel it could do with some love to make it feel fury, even giving them different animations. Wouldn't it be cool to see like say red mist above a player in berserker stance, just to show they are angry. Even if it was just like quivers where only the player could see it I just feel like that would be soooo awesome.
Anyway that was my last word on balance changes, although there were some others these were the only ones that really stood out for me.
Oh and about the purple ashes of a'lar, I still want a pink one for free :(.