Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Random Title #362

Ok, so like I'm totally exhausted after a few days of lots of writing, reading, doing and well yeh and I am like totally dead and can't seem to write anything comprehensible today, I did the first half of darkshore yesterday before a crit error meant I was like FUCK IT and went to bed, will try and finish that tomorrow along with the write up when I'm feeling a little better.

In other news though, trying to get into starcraft 2 multiplayer a bit: I keep saying I will but doing this beta stuff really means I'm busy and don't have enough time to do both.. dunno really which I would rather do, but hey I want to spend time with my boyfriend on Starcraft 2, so hey I want to do that at least occasionally, he is actually getting somewhat good and entering tournaments now, so I do my best to support him with my typical sarcasm and insults :D.

Been thinking about buying a new keyboard but don't really know if it's worth it.. I've tried external keyboards before and well I'm too used to being able to have my laptop on my lap and playing like that, idk really I feel like just saving money would be the wiser decision, but hey my keyboard is rubbish at the moment since it's the silly integrated laptop keyboard and is starting to come apart due to my incessant need to type around 10,000 words a day on it D:, along with playing games and stuff.

Anyway, just wanted to post something for the day.. hopefully it's not too random, like anyone reads my blog anyway :). I still have faith that maybe once the Beta in-game feedback tool is fixed Blizzard can come and check out this site for my specific feedback on various issues, if not well I have some fun writing it so.. maybe I'm just mad for talking to myself