I just want to say how great this zone is, even though it doesn't have the epicness of the horde version it is still very well done.
So we get some nice flavour quest text from the gnome, I was amused at the very least I mean it would be amazing if at some point quest text could become audio, I know that is nowhere near in cataclysm's plans but I mean it would do so much for the immersion factor, theres such a difference between reading and hearing in my eyes, reading is a chore and hearing is a pleasure.
Regardless we are told to shoot down some horde windriders, pretty standard quest really perfectly good control on the vehicle and a fun quest though, I particularly enjoyed how you could shoot 2 cannonballs at the same time and shoot down the wyvern and the windrider at the same time.
Handing this in gives follow-ups to press forward the advantage and head into stonetalon, now obviously I was blind and didn't pick up the quest from the gnome, which obviously you should at this point, this gnome quest is particularly interesting as it gives the zone access to auto-questing throughout its entirety, I particularly enjoy it because it "makes sense" theres no Oh lets throw in an auto-quest somewhere to make the quests flow better, theres already a precurser for having auto-quests throughout the zone.
I also appreciate how riding through into stonetalon presents obstacles like do the "night elf killers" from the horde quest actually activate if you go near them riding through, would be particularly great immersion if they did but I'm not sure since no horde were questing here at the time. The actual quests here though are very interesting though, they involve killing elite incinerators by killing a non-elite oil canister on their back and blowing them up. This is really lovely, great way of spicing up kill quests by making your killing more ingenious than simply targetting the mob you want and killing. The incineration of the horde supplies is pretty simple realistically and has good synergy with the other quest because there is just about 1 incinerator per crate.
Handing these in we get up to windshear mine, where "the bomb" has been spotted, I mean this zone is really good at giving you a sense of story and progression and throwing you right in at the deep end. Regardless though we have to do a simple kill and gather quest, but again with a nice twist on the gathering quest. We have to kill orcs and they drop their pay-load, not exactly a unique quest in cataclysm but certainly appreciative of the change up. Now one of the orcs dropped a starting-quest item, I presume the overseers for synergy purposes, personally I would have preferred this quest to be told to go straight to Minx inside the mine instead of going outside then fighting all the way through to minx who is really deep inside the mine.
Heading back outside, there is suddenly panic apparently the bomb is going to blow up an alliance stronghold and we need to stop it, this quest is just so epic really you feel a great sense of urgency, running over to the balloon you can enter it via the enter vehicle setting and you have to blow up the power coupling *before* reaching windshear hold, I just love how you have a sense of time-limit for this quest, sure its a very very conservative time limit but that is also good, you feel like you need to kill this thing asap but you aren't in any real danger of failing the quest.
I am not sure if you are meant to be attacked by the overseers, I feel like you probably are but I aggrod one before entering the vehicle and they continued to attack me so not sure if thats a bug, also it took a *long* time for the balloon to crash after I destroyed the power coupling, again that might be intended I just felt I was standing around waiting for the balloon to crash and me to parachute outta there.
The hand-in is in Windshear hold where the next write-up will continue from.