I am a pretty bad player at the moment, mostly I just struggle with multi-tasking O:, but I'm getting better, slowly figuring out what setup suits me. At the moment my main race is going to be Terran, I love playing Zerg occasionally as well, and absolutely despise protoss.
I won't go into too much detail as to why but Terran voices are so awesome ("THOR IS HERREEEEE") Zerg are just awesome, a very aesthetic and cool race imo. Protoss are just "urgh" they are too clean for me, I also dislike how newbie friendly Protoss is as a race compared to the other 2.
But ye, Patch 17: The patch that basically reverted half of the unintended patch changes of Patch 16 which were just for Internal Testing.
Many of the following bug fixes were intended for internal testing only, and are now being reverted.
The other 2 changes are obviously just bugs and I doubt they were used for testing anything, since really terran doesnt need more detection (Turrets, scans, emp, raven) and obviously Banelings being cancelled whilst morphing in should be equal to other cancels.
- 250mm Strike Cannons can no longer deal damage to hidden targets.
- Barracks build time decreased from 65 to 60 seconds.
- Bunker build time decreased from 40 to 30 seconds.
- Canceling morphing Banelings now returns 75% of the cost like other morphing Zerg units.
- Hellion range reverted from 6 to 5.
- Reaper build time decreased from 45 to 40 seconds.
- Zealot build time decreased from 38 to 33 seconds.
These are the official Patch Notes. 1 other change that was reverted and unlisted was that Roaches/Infestors can now burrow under forcefields. A few comments on these changes. My guess is they thought rushes were too powerful, and wanted to test out increasing the time when rushes occur, but realised it really didn't make much difference. The Zealot change was specifically for PvZ as far as I know, where 2 gating is very powerful, I think it was fine as it punished Zerg's for fast expanding blindly instead of it being automatic, and am glad this change was reverted.
Barracks time being reduced back to 60 is also nice, since it makes Orbital Command Timings much nicer again. You might think that the Reaper and Barracks Build time nerf is a buff to Reaper Rushes, but at most it is 10 seconds quicker, that means around 3 minutes 5 seconds for a 7 rax reaper, and by that time I can have a bunker out. Especially with that lovely change to bunker timing down from 40 to 30. Maybe it makes reaper rushing even more powerful, but i dont think so personally. I think it makes defending against it easier, along with defending proxy gateways aswell, the change to 30 seconds also makes it very viable as wall-in material instead of the usual supply depots, to help further prevent baneling busts.
Hellion Range being reduced is fine, I think they increased the range to see if the hellion would respond better to chasing units so they wouldn't run away when stopping to shoot, like for example warriors charging in "wow pvp". But the effect was minor and actually made hellions a bit too strong behind a wall-in and on high ground against say Hydra pushes and ling run-bys.
The last change, albeit unlisted, that roaches/infestors can again move under forcefields imo is good. If the change to forcefield behaviour in phase 2 is permanent, they seemingly have a bigger radius than their animation shows and can make units stuck inside of them, then being able to burrow out of them is huge for zerg. Forcefields could totally shut down any roach play for Zerg vs. Protoss because of forcefields and them not being able to burrow under them. So yeh... good reverting really.
The other 2 changes are obviously just bugs and I doubt they were used for testing anything, since really terran doesnt need more detection (Turrets, scans, emp, raven) and obviously Banelings being cancelled whilst morphing in should be equal to other cancels.
Overall though, nice changes I would personally like to see some buff to lings at hive instead of adrenal glands, putting adrenal on lair tech, so that zerglings have a role in the zerg army when you get to hive, cos atm they just get in the way of broodlings/ultralisks. I just feel that lings need some role at late-game zerg which they really don't have at the moment. I would also like to see some late game role for marines aswell, since at the moment they are exceptionally weak against storm/colosii against protoss and ultras/broodlords against Zerg, and weak against tanks, B.C's vs. Terran. Meaning that Terran don't have a great mineral dump moving into the late game. Hellions are fine late game imo because they are awesome for harassment, I suppose lings are too but hellions with pre-ignighter are just so much better than ling-run bys especially combined with a dropship. But Marines just feel really weak in the bio army, personally I feel like if the enemy is allowed to tech the marine becomes useless and your barracks are mostly for ghosts/marauders late game combined with tanks/hellions or Vikings/Medivacs.
However, personally I feel like the game is balanced, not sure why some people seem to think terran mech is so OP. It is very immobile, and in the same way terrans can pop pylons throughout the map, the zerg can "easily" nydus worm around the map (yes they really really really need to remove the sound of nydus, it is totally bullshit that you can hear somebody nydusing) It's more expensive than perhaps proxy-pyloning the map but along with creep tumors they give you excellent vision of the map and allow you to get flanks off on the enemy, especially a slow moving mech army. Obviously on some maps mech is really strong (Steppes of War D:::::) but I think its mostly because all the maps are really tight with natural expanding patterns sending you towards the opponent. Once there are more diverse maps, I feel that terran mech will be far less powerful, especially TvZ.
Anyway enough of me going on about SC2 :)