Right, now again like most zones I write-up going to set a few provisos before continuing about the zone.
1) This zone is frigging long, seriously you can construe this as a good or bad thing I suppose, the quests within it are pretty good, but in essence you feel like you should be level 40 rather than 35 when you leave the zone.
2) The aesthetics of this zone are really lovely, very polished and the overall feeling on this zone is well done
3) There are a few carbon copy vanilla quests still lingering, I presume 2 of them are certainly unintended, the others may or may not be.
4) The Quest Objectives have not been fully implemented on the map for a large majority of quests, I probably won't mention them in these write-ups because there just are alot, but there are screenshots provided of all the times I noticed/needed the quest objectives on the map and they were not there.
With that out of the way, lets crack on to our first quests, when last I left it on my Troll druid write-ups, we were being given a choice by Garrosh Hellscream to go to either Southern Barrens or Desolace, In terms of a questing flow this means a choice between Desolace->Feralas and Southern Barrens->Dustwallow Marsh. As of this build Dustwallow marsh is pretty much identical to its state on live, not that that is a bad thing, since the quest flow is pretty nice, but It's not really worthy of a write-up yet because of that.
So I chose Desolace, obvious by the title I guess D:, and with the breadcrumb you are told to go to find Furien. Now, to get to Desolace one runs through the Charred Vale, which is not so charred on the east side and more volcano on the west side, I expect quests here in the future, or at the very least on the alliance side. However lets crack on with the Desolace Experience.
We arrive to Furien to find him well... dying and then dead :<. Nice little dramatic twist to a placeholder, we then get a nice travel to the first little quest hub, you are sent out immedietely to find out what Furien was up to with his Research, which, in turn, after a nice travel on his mount, which is pretty sweet btw :D, directs you towards Sargeron.
I like this type of quest, it's pretty similar to the patrol type quests, you visit 3 places on the map here, the 3 ruins which aren't on the quest map yet, and you get quests at 2 of them, and at the final one you get an auto quest to complete at the third one.
The quests at the other areas are all to do with killing Satyr in the area, which is great: They don't detract from the story, in fact they actually contribute to the immersion of the History of these ruins to do with elune and such. Whilst the quests are allowed to be completed whilst you carry on with the main quest line. Getting both completed is fairly trivial and doesn't require you to do any specific killing, because you are on the over-arching quest to visit all 3 places originally, the player is very much inclined to go to all 3 places and get all 3 quests before continuing.
The auto-quest follow-up involves collecting melons for a ritual, much like the other 2 quests, the melons are pretty easy to spot and there seem to be plenty of them, they seem to appear mostly under trees in the area, which is a nice aesthetic touch imo. After this you gain a buff, which allows you to see Night elf spirits in the area. They are hostile but don't aggro you, so I would consider making them neutral.. you have to kill them later, but I never agreed with Hostile non-aggroable mobs.
The next quest involves you following more research follow-ups and finding the Ruin's of Elune's Palace, pretty nice to see this included in the lore of the place. However, it's more of a simple hand-in. Now, because I had done this zone previously and was a total noob :<, I proceeded to the next quest in the chain forgetting I had to do the first part. I'll discuss that before moving onto the hand-ins for the other quests you got in the area.
This quest involves you killing night-elf spirits with a vortex pet out, it sort of SUCKS THE SPIRIT OUT OF THEM when you kill them, the animation is pretty awesome anyway, and then proceeds to grow bigger. There is a slight delay between the change of size and change of name of the vortex, which is a little bit annoying, but I don't know if that's changeable in anyway.
This again is another auto-quest hand-in, which I am glad is working here since I would not have liked to have walked all the way back to the original quest hub, which is on the other side of the zone :). Now, the other 2 hand-ins are again rituals, the weapons ritual I have absolutely no problems with, the animation for doing it is actually pretty awesome, you toss a load of swords in :D.
However, my problem is with the Satyr Flesh ritual. 1) The buff you get from this quest is really poor, 15% more base health is like maybe 60 hp or something in that region. Pretty disappointing and 2) It only lasts an hour, for a zone that you are going to be spending roughly 4-5 hours in, thats not really long enough. I would really like to see the buff increased somewhat, maybe 15% increase in health would be nice :D, and for it to be a zone-wide buff like the ones in darkshore for alliance characters. It would be an awesome addition. The final point, 3) is the fact that this quest is repeatable and DOES NOT have a blue question mark above it, people may believe it is a quest to do again without realising it doesn't give xp, I never ever ever liked quests that were repeatable and sort of disguised as actual quests, like the one in Zangarmarsh with the naga killing, they are highly confusing and ye.. just urgh.
Regardless though, we move onto one of the most AWESOME quests I have done with a vehicle, firstly though the actual place where you summon this vortex is WHOLLY UNCLEAR, with the current quest map objectives location. This implies you need to go into nijel's point, full of 35-40 alliance guards, and use the quest item here. Whereas in fact you need to use it at the arch in front of Nijel's point. I would HIGHLY SUGGEST making this area sparkly at the very least, it's pretty tough to see and I wasted like 5-10 minutes when I was originally doing the quest thinking it was bugged because I was trying to follow the map objectives screen.
The actual quest though, boy is it awesome.. you summon your RAGING VORTEX you created in the previous quest and just hop into it :D, you get somewhat control over it, it goes in a set cycle and well SUCKS UP EVERY ALLIANCE NPC IN YOUR PATH, and flings them to kingdom come. You also have an ability, if the sucking up wasn't enough, to 1 shot any alliance character in the zone. Now obviously this zone is phased so you can't kill pvp-flagged alliance, but still it's frigging awesome.
I would have liked to have seen more Merchants, by doing like 2-3 circuits I was done with Defender's and instead was just hunting merchants, they seem to appear mostly off of the route your vortex takes, so using your ability on them was what you seemed to have to do, maybe I was just being slack on using that, but there seems to be way more defenders to merchants than the quest ratio implies, either increase the amount of merchants or like bump up the amount of defender's to kill to around 60-70, I don't think anybody would mind in the slightest.
The second most awesome thing about this quest, is the fact that when you use the 4 button to return home persay you get catapulted across the zone inside the vortex, it's so awesome. It means you don't have to travel back to the quest givers and well it just really fits in with the like awesomeness of the quest.
This is the actual end of this questline, and it really epitomises the theme of Desolace, which is like 4-5 awesome quest-chains with no overarching story, which is just as effective as the Stonetalon way of doing things. There are plenty more quest chains to write-up but there was really not much wrong with these initial quests, fun stuff.
I might add also the armor set in Desolace is just AWESOME, in comparison to the ones before it, although I haven't got it now the shoulder piece for this set is like a 1-shoulder thing, you will see it in subsequent screenshots, I think it's pretty awesome and the color-scheme works really well with the aesthetics of the zone.
Also, I would like to see a repair vendor at this mini-questhub here at Furien's Post, otherwise you are going for like 2 hours or so in this zone without a repair vendor, which is a bit long if you forgot to repair (LIKE I DID :<) in Stonetalon. You are given 2 choices here, to go to Ethel Rethor or Thunder-axe Fortress, like all things I'd always prefer to go towards the coast than in-land, so I went Ethel-Rethor first. It doesn't matter what order you do them in though, so feel free to look at either :).