1) Hotkey your Command Centre, on pretty much every mission involving base construction you want to constantly produce scvs till you have around 2.5 per patch and 3 per gas, after that you can stop making scvs if you don't plan on expanding. I usually hotkey my Command Centre to 5, and try to get used to the hotkey for producing scvs. Just try and remember to press Hotkey->S every 15 seconds or so, if you want to cut down on the multi-tasking then just queue up scvs and do it every 45seconds to 1 minute, but remember doing this means you are going to be 100-200 minerals short of what you could ideally be.
2) Hotkey Barracks/Factories and Starports. Obviously the game hasn't introduced you to Factories or Starports yet but you should hotkey your barracks in this mission at least. Again Remember Hotkeys, Marine is A and Medic is E (these are very useful to know because you can probably win around 80% of missions with just these 2 units). I usually hotkey my Production facilities all to the same hotkey and use tab to cycle through the different buildings, but it can be beneficial to say have all barracks on 1 key, all factories on another and all starports on another.
3) Supply, The number in the top right corner is supply: you can have a max of 200 and it is increased by 8 per supply depot you make and 11? per command centre. I personally struggle alot with being supply capped, but you want to get into a good habit of making depots before you get "supply blocked", ie you have minerals to produce units but you can't make them because you don't have the available supply. Remember Scvs take 1 supply and marines also take 1 supply, so you want to be making depots around 3 supply before you get capped (IE 32/35) adding an additional 2 supply per barracks, so if you have like 3 barracks you want to be making you supply depots pretty much 1 after the other (ie 7 in advance).
4) Optimising your Resources. In-game what you want to do is keep your money low (especially in multiplayer, but in singleplayer it is useful too) If you see your money spiking and you are not supply capped and are producing from all of your structures you should put money into more unit producing structures. For this first mission I'll just say when I was spiking (supply number) and produced my next unit producing structure, for clarity, and will continue to do so, hopefully after a few missions you will see when to do it yourself without further guidance.
5) Finally, Upgrades are awesome, if you get an engineering bay then I would upgrade as soon as possible, perhaps skipping a round of units once you hit around 50 food or so, In the early missions you only have access to +1 attack/ +1 armor but later on you can get +3 attack/+3 armor for all the different types of units you get.
Remember if you want to ensure success in the campaign and you are not on a timed mission amass the biggest force possible before moving out to be safe, this is similar but different to multiplayer, in multiplayer the opposing enemy is also making units so waiting till you have 200/200 army isn't always the smartest thing to do.
OK.. onto the actual mission after the lengthy talks about macro basics, I'll be frank and say most of those aren't needed for the campaign, especially on normal difficulty and probably not on hard either but they make a big difference and really help the transition to multiplayer. Oh I also would say that if the gameplay speed is set to "normal" or "fast" in options->gameplay, set it to faster asap: this is the speed at which multiplayer is played at and overall it is better to learn the game at this speed. If you are having difficulty with a mission because you fell behind with your multi-tasking by all means put it down to normal speed or so but its really better to learn at faster than learn at normal and be thrown off by the faster paced multiplayer if you want to go into that.
First off the Mission Objectives.
Main: Destroy the Dominion Base
Bonus: Rescue the Rebels
Achievements: Collect all cash drops on Normal Difficulty
Complete the Mission in Under 15 minutes on Hard Difficulty.
Now off the bat I will say that you can probably do both achievements in 1 run but its harder to do both, I'll simply do the Normal achievement because well its easier to write a walkthrough for that, but the strategy for the Hard Difficulty is the same you just move out much earlier.
Ok, off the bat you are given a Command Centre, 8 scvs, a Barracks, 6 marines and a supply Depot. Firstly train an scv from the Command Centre and put all your scvs on minerals (select them all and right click a mineral patch). Then Select your Barracks and train a Marine. Select your command centre and right click on a mineral patch so that all your scvs go on minerals and then hotkey both your command centre and your barracks and "macro" up your army.
A few check off points:
17 Supply Depot
24 Barracks
25 Supply Depot
31 Refinery
32 Supply Depot
36 Supply Depot
37 Tech Lab
38 Barracks
45 Supply Depot
49 Barracks
50 Stop Making Scvs
53 Supply Depot (Constantly Make New Depots From this point on with 1 scv)
60 Barracks (last Barracks)
Basically you want to constantly make medics with your tech labbed Barracks and marines from all the others. If you aren't going for the timed mission just wait till you get to around 170 supply army and move out, if you are going for timed you should move out at around 50-60 food and remember to constantly produce from your barracks whilst attacking.
You should have a maxed 200/200 army just when your resources run out if you did it like this, onto the actual stuff in the mission, just north of your base are 2 cash rewards, a gas and a mineral. There is nothing to the right on the road so head west. You will come to a path that heads up to the north. Go up there to kill 3 marines and collect 3 mineral cash rewards. Go back to the road and continue west until you are forced to go south, go down here and kill the pathetic force trying to kill the rebel outpost and move onto the green sign on the floor. You gain an extra barracks, which you don't need and a couple of depots and like 4 marines and 3 medics, if you were maxed you are now oversupply, which is only a good thing :). There are 2 mineral and 2 gas cash reward scattered around the rebel base (that's the last of them), after that continue on the dirt track towards the dominion base. You will be greeted by a couple of Hellions, these are very good against your light infantry, but you should easily walk over their force. Moving further along you will see a bunker, just attack it, attack-move micro helps here but with a 200/200 army its not needed (or indeed 210/200). Just move into the dominion base and wipe everything out.
Just a note: if you find yourself at a 200/200 max army, if you don't have limited resources then you should just throw down a extra unit producing structures so that if your army gets whittled down you can get it back up to 200/200 much faster.
Doing this mission timed is harder because you have to push out that much faster, but it isn't that hard, just push out at around 50-60 food and continue to make marines/medics and rally them to your army (select your barracks and right click them on your army) This is much easier if you have hotkeys setup, you can simply press your barracks hotkey (6 in my case) and press E A A A, to make 3 marines and 1 medic without having to go back to your base.
On to the last mission (actually a little tough)
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